Although there is often no quick fix to getting your body ready for summer, Dr. Kerry Rockston, a nutritionist, offers easy diet tips to help you stay fit this summer.
Consumption of carrots and other yellow or orange greens helps against sunburn and other UV damage.

Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, including a basket of carrots, peppers, cantaloupe, watermelon and mango.
Intermittent fasting with a schedule of 8 hours of regular eating and 16 hours of fasting (water or herbal tea only) will be very effective.

Biotin, vitamin B5, as well as zinc are the main nutrients for hair, which in the diet helps to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent breakage.

Good sources for these foods are fish, eggs, nuts, sweet potatoes, beans and meat such as liver.

Vitamin D, C and omega 3 are important nutrients for safety. It is essential to consume salmon once a week and a glass of orange juice daily during this season.

Help reduce water loss on the skin by consuming vitamin C through citrus fruits such as berries, kiwi and oranges, as well as green peppers.

Foods rich in lutein include egg yolks, spinach, kale, corn, orange peppers, kiwis, grapes, zucchini and parsley, which act as a light filter and protect eye tissues from sun damage.

Treat bloating caused by soda or fast food by eating fermented foods or substituting yogurt for foods instead of mayonnaise.

Bones depend on a variety of nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, copper, zinc, and manganese, for structure and strength. High quality protein is also important for bone health. Therefore, dairy products and nuts are recommended for calcium and protein intake.