Game Apex Legends In what style is it categorized?
Game Apex LegendsReaching its peak of popularity these days, it is a free title in the style of Battle Royale, which, unlike other titles in this genre, is followed from a first-person perspective.
Game Apex LegendsBy Respawn StudiosMade with the help of EA Games It’s been published. You can now download this popular game for free.
What style is Battle Royale?
If we want to explain the Battle Royale style well, we have to go to the former king of this genre, Fortnite .Let’s go, in the style of Battle Royale, a large number of players fight for survival, and at the same time, equality in these fights is maintained by the creators, because first all players enter the game environment without any equipment and must look for equipment to survive. , First aid kits, ammunition and vehicles. The more successful you are at doing these things, the longer you will survive.
But what is the purpose of survival? In most Battle Royale games, such as Fortnite, about 100 players enter the environment at the same time, and the last person to survive will be declared the winner. The longer you survive, the higher you will be ranked in the top 100 and the more you will be rewarded for the position you have achieved in the end.

Differences in the game Apex LegendsWhat about other Battle Royale titles?
If you’ve played other Battle Royale titles, you know that you first land from an airship to an island or a specific area, and then, as we mentioned, you have to look for equipment and ammunition. Game Apex LegendsIn this case, it is no different from a Battle Royale game. But make no mistake, Apex LegendsIn other respects, it’s very different from titles like Fortnite.
Unlike Fortnite, PubJie and other Battle Royale titles, Apex LegendsIt is completely based on cooperation, because there is no single player part in the game and you have to work with your team and try to win. So far we have noticed a big difference and we know that there is no place for one-man armies in this title.
Game Apex LegendsLike other Battle Royale titles, it throws you on an island, but as we mentioned, you will not be alone on this island. In one round of the game, there will be 20 groups of three, each working together to survive and win, trying to defeat the other players. So it is better to prepare yourself for this style from now on.
But the biggest difference is the Battle Royale Apex Legends gameThat is, to start, you have to choose one of the few heroes that exist. This mode is a bit like OverwatchIt’s similar, because you have to be familiar with these characters and know how to use each of their powers, then you can enter the game easily and with complete confidence.
All characters in the game have their own name, fighting style, special powers, and unique appearance, for example, WraithHe is a ninja and has the abilities of a ninja, Bangalore It has a different appearance and can be invisible. Gibraltar , on the other handWe will see in the game that it is as powerful as a moving tank and its task is to protect team members with an energy shield ( Energy Shield ).) Is. This is the special difference in Apex LegendsWhich puts it a head and neck higher than other Battle Royale titles. Because you have to be like Overwatch playersBe so harmonious with each other that in choosing a hero, pick characters that can complement each other’s powers and each team member becomes a complement to the other.
But these differences do not end here, as we mentioned, in Apex LegendsIt is very different. Respawn StudioThis time he has done an interesting job, unlike the titles we know in this genre, in Apex LegendsThere is a unique feature of the studio. You can Respawn your teammatesdo. This means that after the death of each of your friends, the game is not going to be impossible for you, because you can revive your friends and bring them back to the game with a little ingenuity. This feature is more in Bungi Studio titlesAnd now in Apex Legends There is also.
Generally in the gameplay section, the game Apex LegendsIt is a Battle Royale title that has been able to surpass its competitors by combining elements of titles that are not in the style of Battle Royale.

How many heroes does the game have?
It hasn’t been long since the game was released and fortunately it has surprised everyone right now. However, there are currently eight heroes in the game:
Bloodhound: This character can track other players with the technology he has and find their way.
Gibraltar: As mentioned, this hero has the ability to protect himself and other team members with a shield.
LifelineDespite this character, witness the presence of a doctor And we are the therapist in the title of Battle Royale.
Pathfinder: We also see the presence of a robot in the game, this hero is responsible for examining the environment and people.
Wraith: A hero who has the ability to teleport with the appearance of a ninja.
Bangalore: A super soldier with the capabilities of super soldiers.
CausticThe game’s trap, the special ability of poison traps, is the most important feature of this character.
Mirage: A skill is one of the skills of this hero, he can make a master of himself.
All characters in the game except the last two, namely, MirageAnd CausticThey are playable from the beginning. You can also activate these two heroes for yourself with in-app money or real money.

Do not play Apex LegendsLike the online titles of different seasons and Season Passhas it?
Yes, like all online titles in mind, Apex LegendsIt also has special seasons, and a Season PassWill have. You can easily get more than 90 items by activity and play.
According to the news that EAThe first season of the game will start next month, in March. It’s still unclear what items in the Season PassThere will be and how much this section will cost.
As it turns out, we think each of the game seasons will last about three months, and each will bring with it new items and weapons.
Here are some exciting time events, که events that will make certain items available to you only at the specified time. For example Valentine event We saw in the game that brought with it certain items.
Have in-app purchases in Apex Legendsthey exist?
As it turns out, the way to earn a free game is in-app purchases, and definitely Apex Legends It is also a successful free game. There will be many special and tempting items in the game and you can buy them all with real money or the money you earn in the game. All monetary items in the game are only appearance and you can not be superior to other players by paying money in the game.
In the game we see three types of currencies, Apex Coin, Legend TokensAnd Crafting Metals .
Apex Coin unitIt is the main currency in the game through which you can buy loot boxes and items.
Legend TokensIt is a unit of money that you earn by upgrading and you can use it to buy Legends .
Crafting Metals This unit is often used in lottery boxes called Apex PackThey are known, they are found. With this unit, you can make different weapons and special clothes.

Are Apex LegendsTo play TitanfallIs it similar?
Although both titles are made by the same studio and even share a common story, Apex LegendsIt is a completely different experience. The first and most obvious difference between the two titles is the existence of the Titans. Metal Promise Robots You Could Control In Apex LegendsThey are not present and this is the biggest difference in the gameplay of the two games.
On the other hand, many mechanics of the two games are different and you can understand this by playing once. But in any case you can quickly feel that ApexMade by RespawnIs. The speed in the gameplay and its combination with slips and fast shooting reminds us of the special style of the studio.
How about Apex Legends Shall we become professionals?
Like all Battle Royale titles, Apex LegendsIt also has its own worries and with a little play you can get to know this mode well and adapt to it. But one of the most important things to learn about the game is to get to know the characters and their powers. As mentioned, you need to be able to choose the right one for your team to have enough power.
To learn more about Apex Legends game characters Stay with us(Euro International News)