According to a recent article in the Telegraph, world leaders are reluctant to share their DNA with anyone, including the Russian government, for reasons such as background research or the possibility of making biological weapons. .
During a visit to Moscow last week, French President Emmanuel Macron refused to undergo a corona test at the Kremlin due to fears that his genetic information would be leaked to the Russian government.
Shortly afterwards, German Prime Minister Olaf Schultz refused to take the Corona test during a visit to Russia.
The question is, do world leaders’ concerns about the disclosure of their genetic information really have scientific basis?
The answer to this question is very positive, because the analysis of genetic information can also determine information about a person’s health, the history of various diseases and the percentage of risk of future diseases such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease.
In addition to these cases, there is a growing concern about the production of biological weapons that are capable through genetic engineering
There is biological terror that realizes people