Once upon a time, in the silent streets of the city dwelled thou compassionate and filled with innate love. Real love was welled in every vein of thee flowing and moving through heart to each part of thy soul and spirit. Elsa named the girl who thou carried love remembering her in every single moment of thy life. The blue eyes she had, dark black hair, thick lips in red and an aura shining her face in the darks. Time passed still something was quite rare about their love. Curiosity, inquisitiveness and the enthusiasm led people to seek the mysterious answer of the sacred love thou had for Elsa. Questions posed, critics raised, but the only missing piece of puzzle was the love thou had for Elsa instead of God. Spontaneously, thou cleared thy voice uttering “loving a human full of mistakes, sins, imperfections and embarrassments is intolerable than loving god”. Stunned, disappointed and astonished were the people heard thy response. Wherever we live, whatever we are, whatsoever we call ourselves but whenever we realize there is a hidden secret behind the humanity, we can then apprehend that we were born with innate soul of God and bound spirit to the body of a human. We directly reflect the beauties of God to people and vice versa. Loving a human is equal to loving the God thus even loving humans are harder than loving a perfect God without any incompleteness.
Love your loved ones.
Basam Murtaza Tahoor
15th October, 2018
9:20 PM