Medical News of the Week: What to eat to prevent sunburn? 5 tips to prevent urinary tract infection. All hidden symptoms of testicular cancer. Common foods that can be poisonous.
Everyone knows that sunscreen should be used to prevent sunburn, but there is one more important step to protecting your skin from the sun: diet!
According to Khat Salamat website, diet is often neglected to protect the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Let’s take a look at which foods can protect your skin this summer.
Cranberries are rich in powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals that can damage the skin due to sun exposure. Cranberries are even more powerful if they are wild. This fruit is also a very good source of vitamin C, which can help prevent wrinkles in the skin.
Watermelon can act as a natural sunscreen
Tomatoes are mainly known for containing lycopene, an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red color. But watermelon actually contains much more lycopene. Lycopene absorbs UVA and UVB rays. After a few weeks of daily consumption of watermelon, lycopene can finally act as a natural sunscreen. However, the researchers note that this approach does not necessarily replace other protective measures such as SPF and sun protective clothing to combat sunspots and skin damage.
Nuts and seeds
Walnuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds and flax all contain essential omega-3 fatty acids. Fish and eggs are also excellent sources of this fat that is good for the skin. Our body cannot make omega-3; Therefore, it is essential to get them from our diet. Omega-3 helps your body naturally fight the effects of spending too much time in the sun.
Carrots and leafy vegetables
Our body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is vital for skin health. A 2007 meta-analysis found that beta-carotene provides a form of natural sun protection after 10 weeks of regular consumption. Other sources of this nutrient include kale, spinach, and other leafy greens. In particular, leafy greens are rich in antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect our skin even against skin cancer.
Consumption of green tea can improve some skin damage
Green tea
In a 2010 study, researchers found that consuming green tea led to fewer tumors caused by UV light in mice. This was due to the flavanol found in green and black tea called EGCG. Also, another study on green tea showed that this tea reduces skin damage caused by UVA rays and prevents collagen loss. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and it makes the skin firm and strong.
This cruciferous vegetable contains powerful antioxidants that help fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals. In addition to this important benefit, cauliflower is rich in histidine, a natural sun protective food. This alpha amino acid stimulates the production of urocanic acid and also absorbs UV rays.
5 tips to prevent urinary tract infection
A urinary tract infection, also called a UTI, is an infection that can involve the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys.
According to Myoclinic news site; Women are at greater risk for UTIs because their urethras are shorter than men’s, making it easier for bacteria to pass into the bladder.
However, there are strategies to reduce the risk of developing a UTI with negative side effects:
Drink a lot of water
Drink a lot of water
Drinking a lot of water helps to keep the bladder tissue hydrated and healthy. This also dilutes your urine and reduces the concentration of bacteria in the bladder. In some people, a UTI is easily resolved by drinking enough fluids. Therefore, try to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluids daily to prevent urinary tract infections.
Do not keep the bladder full
Since bacteria like to grow in warm and moist environments, regular urination destroys the ideal living conditions for bacteria. Emptying the bladder four to eight times a day is normal.
Urinate immediately after sex
Sex can cause bacteria to enter, near or even enter the urethra, the small tube that empties your bladder. Urinating after sex actually kills some bacteria before they cause an infection.
Take cranberry supplements
Cranberries contain a unique and well-known compound called proanthocyanidins of type A. Cranberry is one of the richest sources of proteocyanidins, especially type A. These proanthocyanidins prevent the attachment of E. coli bacteria to the bladder and urinary tract.
Clean the urinary tract from front to back
Doing this after urinating and after defecation helps prevent the spread of bacteria from the anus to the vagina and urethra. Factors associated with the risk of recurrent urinary tract infection include:
Frequent sex that increases the possibility of bacteria entering the urethra and bladder; Urinary retention (inability to empty urine completely) or incomplete emptying of the bladder caused by medications; narrowing of the urethra; prolapse of the bladder, uterus or vagina; Nervous conditions as well as vaginal atrophy, which is a postmenopausal condition caused by decreased estrogen levels.
If you think you have a UTI, talk to your doctor. You may need to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your symptoms and collect a urine sample.
You should seek medical attention if you develop fever, chills, malaise, or back or side pain. These can be signs of a kidney infection that needs treatment, or they can be signs of a systemic infection in the bloodstream, in which case the patient should be hospitalized.
All hidden symptoms of testicular cancer
As with many cancers, early detection of testicular cancer is key to help fight it. For this reason, doctors recommend that men get to know the hidden symptoms of this disease and do regular self-examinations.
According to the Huffington Post, if testicular cancer is detected early, the treatment success rate for most different types of this cancer can exceed 95%:
Creating a knot on the testicles
The most common symptom of testicular cancer is a lump or firm lump that can be felt in the testicle. Most testicular cancers are diagnosed when patients themselves can feel the lump. This symptom in testicular cancer is usually painless and can also be felt by a sexual partner. If you feel a lump or something suspicious in your testicles, see your doctor right away.
Testicular pain
The onset of severe and sudden pain in the testicle should be immediately evaluated and examined by a doctor because this can be a sign of testicular torsion; A condition in which the testicle is twisted and its blood flow is cut off. But any gradual and continuous pain should be examined very soon because it can be a sign of testicular cancer. Men can do a self-exam at this stage to see if there is a new lump or nodule.
Take stomach, back, or side pain seriously
Abdominal, back or side pain
Many people attribute back pain to a strenuous workout or heavy work. But persistent and unexplained back pain should not be ignored. When testicular cancer spreads to the lymph nodes behind the abdomen, back pain begins. These glands are often known as para-aortic or retroperitoneal lymph nodes. If back pain persists for weeks or months and affects normal daily activities such as housework, driving, or sitting at a desk, you should see a doctor immediately. Any new and severe pain in the abdomen, back or side should be evaluated and examined by a doctor immediately.
Swelling of the legs or scrotum
Swelling of the legs or scrotum can be a rare sign of advanced testicular cancer. This happens when the large lymph nodes in the back of the abdomen practically block the flow of blood or lymph fluid from the legs and cause fluid to accumulate in this area. Of course, heart failure in elderly men can also appear through swelling in the legs; As blood clots in the legs may also have occurred. Since all of these can be dangerous conditions, leg swelling requires immediate medical evaluation and examination.
Cough, headache, or vision changes
A cough can be a very rare symptom of advanced testicular cancer that may have spread to the lungs. Also, rare types of testicular cancer that are advanced and have spread to the brain can cause changes in vision, the onset of headaches, or even seizures. These symptoms are rare, but in this situation, measures such as testicle examination, blood test and photography should be done.
Enlarged or tender breasts
Enlarged or tender breasts can be rare signs of possible testicular cancer. These symptoms appear due to the production of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is usually present in high levels in pregnant women and can lead to the growth of breast tissue, which is also a rare symptom of testicular cancer. Nipple tenderness or nipple discharge in a healthy young man can also be a warning sign. Any man with these symptoms should be examined by a urologist immediately.
Common foods that can be poisonous
Many foods and even fruits and vegetables are healthy, but not following some simple but important principles in their consumption can seriously threaten your health.
According to MedicineNet, experts have introduced the most common foods that you may have been wrong to consume:
Cherry kernels
Cherry kernels are rich in prussic acid, also known as cyanide; This substance is poisonous. But if you accidentally swallow one of these kernels, there is no need to fear because they are easily disposed of. But you should absolutely avoid biting and eating these kernels.
Apple seeds
Be careful swallowing apple seeds because they contain small amounts of cyanide. Even in small, low doses, cyanide can cause rapid breathing, convulsions, and possibly death.
Sanjad Nares
Elderberry contains lectin and cyanide, which may cause disease. You can take elderberry to strengthen the immune system and treat symptoms related to colds, flu or constipation. But eating unripe type, bark or elder leaves may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Nutmeg Hindi
When you add a small amount of nutmeg to baked goods, it has a pleasant flavor. But eating it with a spoon can cause big problems. Even less than 2 teaspoons of nutmeg can be toxic to your body because the myristicin in it can cause hallucinations, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, and seizures.
green potato
Avoid green potatoes that contain toxic glycoalkaloids. The leaves, buds and underground stems of potato contain a toxic substance called glycoalkaloid. Eating potatoes with high glycoalkaloid content can cause nausea, diarrhea, confusion, headache and even death.
Rhubarb leaves
There is nothing wrong with eating rhubarb stems, but be sure to remove the leaves. Rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid, which binds to calcium and makes it harder for the body to absorb it. So your bones can’t grow as they should; In addition, you are at risk of kidney stones, blood clots, vomiting, diarrhea and even coma.
Bitter Almond
This almond is rich in amygdalin; A combination that may cause muscle cramps, nausea and diarrhea. Both types of almonds – bitter and sweet – contain amygdalin; That is, a chemical compound that can be converted into cyanide, but bitter almond contains the highest amount of it.