Women often enjoy being around confident men, and some of the things men do with these moral qualities attract women like a magnet.
Of course, some men are self-confident, selfish and want everything for themselves and only think about their success and benefit. The characteristics of such people will have opposite results in attracting women.
Straight men are more attractive to women. A man who does not express his desire to a woman openly, has caused her annoyance and is uncomfortable. Always express your desire at the beginning of the relationship. If it is approved, the relationship will continue, if not, don’t be upset if he leaves you.
Eye contact, firm handshake and smiling are among the charms of a man’s body language that show his intentions and thoughts about a woman. On the other hand, having your hands on your chest, frowning or turning your eyes around are the characteristics of a man who is not interested in continuing the conversation with a woman.
For women, men’s assertiveness is always one of their most attractive moral points. A man who changes his decision several times during the day does not have a clear goal in life.

Having a goal is one of the most important issues in a man’s life, which of course also attracts women. Ambition, courage and determination in the path of life make you attractive.
More than anything, women are thirsty for respect and love. A proud man, whose speech conveys the feeling that he is able to attract all the women of the world, has disrespected the woman. In addition to attracting her, respect for a woman instills a pleasant feeling and heart satisfaction in a person.
Make progress in whatever you love and do. Pursue your goals and grow in them, continue the path of your life with perseverance and determination. Women like to feel safe and relaxed with you.