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Games & GamingFINAL FANTASY XV Backgrounds


Almost a decade since the introduction of Final Fantasy XVBy Square Enixgoes on. After a series of bumps and production problems and many delays, tomorrow will see the release of the latest version of this Japanese role-playing game ( JRPG) We will be famous and popular and highly anticipated.

Although we have been waiting for the release of this game for years, but our excitement has not diminished a bit. However, all these delays have led to the question of whether Final Fantasy XVCan it meet our expectations? A ten-year production period can indicate in-studio problems, developers’ dissatisfaction with the final product, and other common problems, none of which have yet been addressed in Final Fantasy XV.Are not mentioned.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-5773112986813212&output=html&h=280&adk=4190443015&adf=3492041822&pi=t.aa~a.1608395487~i.3~rp.4&w=951&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1650659393&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=4581820550&psa=1&ad_type=text_image&format=951×280&url=https%3A%2F%2Feurointn.com%2Feverything-you-need-to-know-about-final-fantasy-xv%25ef%25bf%25bc%2F&fwr=0&pra=3&rh=200&rw=951&rpe=1&resp_fmts=3&wgl=1&fa=27&adsid=ChEI8KSJkwYQkY7H373tu6TRARI5ALsJtMu8bLE11Y_OtwrxZrCxsNVMs10q_PHHdjTH7BrNj76Tr8dC7hWMGCn-IfDM9o1X1_ibJhf3&uach=WyJXaW5kb3dzIiwiMTAuMC4wIiwieDg2IiwiIiwiMTAwLjAuNDg5Ni4xMjciLFtdLG51bGwsbnVsbCwiNjQiLFtbIiBOb3QgQTtCcmFuZCIsIjk5LjAuMC4wIl0sWyJDaHJvbWl1bSIsIjEwMC4wLjQ4OTYuMTI3Il0sWyJHb29nbGUgQ2hyb21lIiwiMTAwLjAuNDg5Ni4xMjciXV0sZmFsc2Vd&tt_state=W3siaXNzdWVyT3JpZ2luIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlYWQyLmdvb2dsZXN5bmRpY2F0aW9uLmNvbSIsInN0YXRlIjoyOSwiaGFzUmVkZW1wdGlvblJlY29yZCI6dHJ1ZX1d&dt=1650659384831&bpp=11&bdt=4757&idt=11&shv=r20220420&mjsv=m202204210101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D5d74552ef5e2448b-22c482a065cf00f2%3AT%3D1639200850%3ART%3D1639200850%3AS%3DALNI_MbYhxp5-A6JyswJ18fUcoxVFi62UA&prev_fmts=0x0%2C300x250&nras=2&correlator=6729535436104&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=1182336276.1637518880&ga_sid=1650659383&ga_hid=1239591737&ga_fc=1&u_tz=270&u_his=3&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_sd=0.9&dmc=8&adx=24&ady=2644&biw=1499&bih=631&scr_x=0&scr_y=121&eid=44759876%2C44759927%2C44759837%2C44761043%2C21066429%2C31067068%2C31067235%2C31061829%2C21067496&oid=2&pvsid=3217167079528656&pem=691&tmod=1273600281&uas=0&nvt=1&ref=https%3A%2F%2Feurointn.com%2F&eae=0&fc=1408&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1366%2C0%2C1366%2C728%2C1517%2C631&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&fu=128&bc=31&jar=2022-04-22-20&ifi=2&uci=a!2&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=PhOvyM33tw&p=https%3A//eurointn.com&dtd=9092

In any case, tomorrow is the promised day and Final Fantasy XVOfficially available. Given that this title is not very well known in Iran, the release of this game is a good excuse to get acquainted with this game and enjoy it.

But the main question: Final Fantasy XVWhat is?

This game is the latest version of the Japanese role-playing game series that made the Japanese company Square Enix famous.have became. This game was made in 2006 and of course called Versus XIIIIt was announced, but the production process was delayed a lot, and the release of the PlayStation 4 console caused the company to completely reconsider its new game, and finally, after ten years, Final Fantasy XV, Was made after many challenges and will be released tomorrow, November 29, coinciding with 9 Azar.

Welcome to Lucis

Lucis ( Lucis), Is the name of the land where the events of Final Fantasy XVThey occur in it. This land was torn apart by war and is now occupied by the Niflheim Empire.), Is under siege. Of course, your journey in this game includes all the lands of EosAnd different areas of it.

Game story

Noctis _), Heir to the land of Lucis, in search of his future bride, Luna), Is involved in the battle of the Nifelheim Empire in Lucis.

Our well-dressed hero realizes that the news of the death of his father, his fiancée Luna and himself has been spread falsely and decides to find the truth and take back his throne.

Combining an infinite world and a linear story

Although the game Final Fantasy XV, Starts as an open world game, but in the second half of the game and as it approaches the end, you will see a linear game.

The director of the game, Hajime Tabata, said:

“We’re in Final Fantasy, We decided to combine an open world game with a linear story. The first half of the game is an open world game, but with the second half, we see a story-driven linear game. By doing this, not only will the nature of the open world game not be boring for the gamer, but you can also get a Final Fantasy game.Experience the classics. If you’re just looking to finish the story, finish Final Fantasy XV”It takes between 40 and 50 hours.”

Meet your new friends

Noctis is the hero of the game, but your group includes other characters such as Prompto), Gladio ( Gladio) And Ignis) Will also be with the royal car of King Regis ( Regis), The father of Noctis, named the Regalia, Explore the game world.

Get acquainted with the English voice actors of the gam

Adam Crosdell ( Shadow of Mordor, NCIS) To the role of Ignatius

Robbie Diamond ( Sailor Moon) To the role of Prometheus

Chris Parson ( Overwatch, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, Rango) To the role of Gladio

Jim Pierre ( Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst, The Penguins of Madagascar) To the role of Regis

Amy Shiels ( Twin Peaks, Call of Duty: Black Ops) In the role of Luna

Matt Mercer ( Overwatch, Resident Evil, Fallout 4) To the role of choir

Darin De Powell ( Overwatch, Doom) To the role of Ardin

Carrie Walgren ( Rick and Morty) To the role of Arania

World wide Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy XVBeyond this game is Square Enix, Recently, Kingslaive: Final Fantasy XVHas released an animated series called BrotherhoodPosted on its website to watch the story of the movie characters, before the events of Final Fantasy XVTo express.

Brotherhood animated series

Brotherhood animation, A 5-part series that takes place before the Final Fantasy XV gameDefines. This animation was made to introduce you to Noctis and his other friends and all its episodes on Square Enix ‘s YouTube channel., Is visible.

In the first episode, entitled Before the Storm, The extremely strong friendship between Prince Noktis and his three other friends is discussed and provides the gamers’ familiarity with this action-packed role-playing game.

In the second episode called Dogged RunnerLet’s take a look at the beginning and spark of friendship between Noctis and Prometheus.

In the third episode entitled Sword and Shield, We see the acquaintance story of Noctis and Gladiolus.

In the fourth episode called Bittersweet Memories, We review the story of the acquaintance and friendship of Noctis and Ignatius in their childhood.

In the fifth and final episode, The Warmth of Light, The story of this animation is 5 episodes and the story of Final Fantasy XVbegins.

Summoned in this game, AstralHave a name

In previous games, the monster summoned by the user in the midst of battles was Aeon, EsperOr PrimalIn this game, their name is AstralIs.

Hell of production

As you know, Final Fantasy XV, Alongside The Last Guardian, Created a lot of controversy and margins in the development and production phase, and now both are ready for release. These controversies have led some to speculate that Final Fantasy XV, Will have many problems. The game has repeatedly seen a change in the production team and fundamental changes in the gameplay mechanism and story.

Game Final Fantasy XV, First titled Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Was released exclusively for the PlayStation 3 console. The game’s director, Tetsuya Nomura, decided to make the game like his other game, Kingdom HeartsMake. Changing the style of acting from role-playing to role-playing action, first-person perspective and lack of user interface were among the director’s decisions, which caused controversy and controversy in Square Enix from the very beginning.Were.

The pre-production phase of the game lasted until 2011, during which time Square EnixIt was concluded that the long process of making this game does not deserve a spin-off title at all, and Final Fantasy Versus XIIIMake a complete game in the Final Fantasy seriesUpgraded it to Final Fantasy XVnamed.

Another factor that delayed the game again was the end of the seventh generation of consoles. Sony and Microsoft have decided to introduce their new consoles, the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. Final Fantasy Games Consoles have always challenged their time, but if Final Fantasy XVReleased for the PlayStation 3 console, two years later, with the release of the PlayStation 4, all the capabilities of Final Fantasy XV, Was considered obsolete and Square EnixHe refuses to accept such a thing. As a result, while only 20% of the game was made, Square EnixDecided to give it up and Final Fantasy XVThis time it was developed according to the generation consoles. It was at this point that Hajime Tabata was selected as the director of the play.

However, Tabata and Nomura continued to work together to continue to be Nomura’s ideas that shape the game. The game continues to be inspired by Kingdom HeartsIt was made and dubbed “fantasy based on realism”. Game production accelerated in 2012 and at E3 2013, Square Enix CompanyFrom Final Fantasy XVUnveiled.

From then on, after seven years of working behind closed doors, questions arose about Final Fantasy XV, Were gradually answered and the excitement caused by the release of the game increased. The first trial version of the game in 2015, entitled Episode DuscaeReleased to give gamers a little familiar with the game’s atmosphere. It was at this point that the name of the heroine of the game, from Stella NoxTo Luna Freya) Changed.

In any case, after ten long years, Final Fantasy XV, Is ready to be offered and has come out of the hell of its production, prosperous and proud.

Square EnixSeek help

This is not the first time that a large gaming company has approached Streamline Studios to address the issue of its costly and large title.goes. The Malaysian studio has previously retouched and redesigned titles such as Street Fighter V., Bioshock InfiniteAnd Star CitizenAnd in recent months, by Square Enix, Was hired to make a patch on the first day of the game and fix its bugs.

Stream Line StudioAlso stated that as fans of Final Fantasy games, They are proud to have been able to contribute to the game development process and bring the best possible game to Final Fantasy fans, Provide.

PS4 ProIt expands the limbs

Game Final Fantasy XVSupports all features of the PlayStation 4 Pro console. In addition to the HDR imageThe gamer can play the game with two qualities4K HighAnd4K Light, Play.

The importance of camping in the development of characters

Camping and camping in Final Fantasy XV gameplay, Have an important role. Other than previous titles, your characters after Xp campaignsThey do not receive and do not roll up, so be sure to pay attention to camping.

To use XPIn Final Fantasy XV, You either have to camp in certain places in the game environment or go to places like inns in cities. If before you camp and XPUse yourself, die, all XPWhat you get is also lost.

Roll up in Final Fantasy XV, By Ascension TreeWhich is a game of skills game. You earn by using Ability pointOr AP, You can develop the skills of your characters according to your style of play.


So far, two demos under the title Episode DuscaeAnd Judgment DiscWhich are specific to Japan, have been released for the game and Square Enix companyHaving received user comments, has tried to fix the technical problems of the game.

Online section

In addition to the three story episodes Gladiolus, Ignatius and Prometheus, Square Enix, A supplement package called ComradesFor the game, which adds a four-player team online mode to the game. You are in the Comrades section


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