15 Aug 2021
The real story of The Fall of Kabul,
explained by an Afghan Citizen who was a witness of the Time:

It was a normal day, I woke up by the call of my dad… he said is everything ok? I said yes why? He replied, there are rumors that the Taliban has token Kabul? I was shocked and run towards the street to see what is going on.
I saw people are running and shouting that the Taliban has arrived everyone was shocked and scared, women children all people were scared. The traffic was jammed, I came back home and locked the house, by lots of difficulties I found a taxi and reached the place, where my dad was working, the streets were full of people running and scared, it was a day which I can never forget, I think no one in other countries can imagine about that day. It was like Judgement day, everyone was running scared that the Taliban are going to kill the people, the ideology of the Taliban was that the people of Kabul are all nonbelievers they are all (Kafirs) because we were literate we were free. After lots of difficulties, we could reach my grandmother’s house, my mother and my uncle’s family were there.
My uncle was a lieutenant of the National Directory of security, we were scared that the Taliban will kill my uncle, so we took him and came to our house, at the evening of that day we heard the news that (Ashraf Ghani) the president of Afghanistan flee away and lift the country, about 3 hours later the Taliban Took over Kabul, And our Beloved Kabul fell down. The most horrible day, the darkest day of my life, the Taliban who were the most illiterate people took the control of the country and the Afghanistan people died mentally, everyone was seeking to leave Afghanistan and some days later people even fell from flying plane we were betrayed by our own president the afghan people have been betrayed and now people are suffering and seeking to find their food, every day Taliban soldiers are asking to bring them food. A family can not afford their own food to eat now they have to feed Taliban Soldiers also, the normal people are suffering a lot, After the Fall o Kabul the Afghan People has been destroyed mentally…
Interviewed by our Afghan Reporter
Euro international News