Knafe has long been served as an incredibly hearty cheese dessert in Turkey and Egypt, as well as in the Arab world, especially in Syria and Palestine.
The base of this popular pastry is made from noodle paste such as thin or very thin semolina dough soaked in sweet syrup using a solution of sugar and layers of cheese or other raw materials such as cream or nuts, depending on the region and the taste of the people of that country.

Knafe is usually combined with a syrup of orange spring sweat, sugar, water and lemon juice mixed in boiling milk and consumed cold after gentle heat tolerance and served.

Kadaif noodles are the main ingredient in this dessert, which is also known as filo dough. Between the kadaif noodles, butter and saffron are dipped and a cheese mixture is placed on both sides, which can sometimes be replaced with cream cheese, mozzarella cheese or other types of cheese.

Preparation of this dessert begins by dipping all the noodles in melted butter in a large bowl.
Then pour half of the noodles soaked in butter in a pre-greased cake pan with a diameter of 15 cm.

Pour the cream cheese that has already been made into a cream using an electric mixer on the kadaif noodles and cover the rest of the noodles on the cheese. It is better to dip the last layer of dessert in butter for better cooking.
Place the dessert in the oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 35 minutes to cook completely.
After baking the pastry and opening it from the mold, pour the juice on it and decorate with pistachio powder, cream or buttermilk.
Ingredients for preparing hemp
500 grams of hemp noodles
250 grams of butter 250
Warm mozzarella cheese or unsalted cream cheese
Ingredients for cannabis syrup
Water: 5 cups
Sugar: One measure
Saffron: in the required amount
Enjoy your meal…