Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter, announced that a proper mechanism will be implemented to prevent blocking and hiding accounts without users’ knowledge.
“Twitter is working on a software update that will show you the actual account status,” he wrote on his account. In this way, you will clearly understand whether you have been successful or not. Also, the reason for the change will be presented and you will be able to appeal this decision.
Shadow ban means the blocking of user accounts or the removal of their posts from content suggestion software algorithms. This means that it is difficult to find a user’s page in the search box or that his posts are not visible to other Twitter users and even followers.
This new update comes after it was announced that leaked Twitter documents showed that the network had access to user data from more than 70,000 other websites.
According to Adalytics, US government sites and other healthcare company sites are among the sites where Twitter can obtain user data.
Twitter obtains this data through its advertising tool called “pixels,” which are used by advertisers to track, analyze, and target users.