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PenisHuman PenisPenis Enlargement (Penis Enlargement Products, Penis Stretching, and More)

Penis Enlargement (Penis Enlargement Products, Penis Stretching, and More)

Do you want a bigger penis? In one large survey a few years ago, about 45% of men said they did. And you can buy plenty of over-the-counter and even medical treatments that promise a larger penis. But do any of them really work?

Some of the things men use to try to increase penis size include:

Vacuum penis pumps
Penis weights

  • Vacuum penis pumps
  • Penis weights
  • Penis stretching exercises, called jelqing
  • Supplements
  • Creams
  • Surgery

The truth is that these treatments tend to have modest, if any, results, experts say. And most don’t do anything at all to increase penis size.

But some techniques, including weight loss, may improve your penis’s appearance or your confidence in bed, says Petar Bajic, MD, a urologist and head of the Men’s Health Center in the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute at the Cleveland Clinic.

How can you figure out what might help and what’s a sham? Talk to your doctor before you try any penis enlargement device or treatment.

The truth is that these treatments tend to have modest, if any, results, experts say. And most don’t do anything at all to increase penis size.

But some techniques, including weight loss, may improve your penis’s appearance or your confidence in bed, says Petar Bajic, MD, a urologist and head of the Men’s Health Center in the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute at the Cleveland Clinic.

How can you figure out what might help and what’s a sham? Talk to your doctor before you try any penis enlargement device or treatment.

“Many men still feel uncomfortable talking to their doctor about this issue, but they should seek advice from someone experienced in this area,” Bajic says. “People will do all sorts of things to try to make their penis larger.”

Most likely, your penis isn’t really too small, experts say.

Men who want larger penises may have a poor body image, low self-esteem, or even a condition called body dysmorphia, says Michael O’Leary, MD, a professor of urologic surgery at Harvard Medical School and a urologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

“They’re basically just not happy with their body,” he says. “I have also operated on men whose partners told them their penis wasn’t large enough.”

What’s ‘Average’ Size of Penis?

People often believe myths about the “average” or “normal” length of a penis.

“Many men don’t have a realistic idea of what a normal size penis is, and we live in a society where pornography is pervasive. Some people believe that it’s normal to have a 12-inch penis,” says O’Leary. “The average erect penis is between 5 and 6 inches long, and flaccid (not erect), between 4 and 5 inches long.”

Some men may think they need a larger penis to satisfy their partners, but that’s likely not the case. About 85% of women in an internet survey of 52,000 heterosexual people said they were satisfied by the size of their partner’s penis.

When men see Bajic to discuss penis enlargement options, he starts the discussion by making clear what “normal” means.

“Societal perceptions of what is a smaller-than-normal penis aren’t true,” he says. “There are a wide variety of factors that may drive some men to feel that their genitalia just doesn’t look as it should, including what they see in popular culture.”

Bajic notes that satisfying hetero sex, for most women, “doesn’t begin with male penetration and end with male orgasm. Sometimes, through talking it out, many men that I treat realize that they have other body image issues and that their expectations about penis size are out of line,” he says.

A few men do have medical conditions that result in a smaller-than-average penis:

Micropenis. About 6 in 1,000 men have a micropenis, or a penis that’s less than 2.8 inches long when stretched. This can happen when a male baby doesn’t get enough testosterone, the male sex hormone, before birth.

Peyronie’s disease. This condition causes scar tissue buildup on the penis, causing it to bend and, in some men, shorten. Men with Peyronie’s disease may have trouble getting an erection, but there are treatments that can help.

Is Penis Surgery the Right Move?

Some surgical techniques change the appearance of your penis. That includes a procedure, recently approved by the FDA, called the pre-formed penile silicone block (Penuma).

It’s not available everywhere yet, says O’Leary, who has done the surgery and says he’s been happy with the results. It’s a cosmetic procedure, so it isn’t covered by medical insurance, he says.

“It is a silicone implant, a silicone sleeve about two-thirds the length of the penis, which is implanted under the skin to make the penis thicker,” he says. But studies show there’s not as much impact on penis length.

You get this operation under general anesthesia in a hospital.

“This surgery must be carefully controlled and should only be done by a urologist who has familiarity with the penile anatomy and the surgery itself, and who has the background and experience necessary to perform it,” O’Leary says.

In one study of 400 men who had this surgery, penis width improved by as much as 56%. Men reported that they were mostly satisfied with the results, including better confidence and more self-esteem.

Possible complications include infection and scarring after surgery, O’Leary says. The implant can also move out of place later on, he says.

Bajic says some men are “growers, not showers,” which means their penises may seem small to them when they’re not erect. If they get the silicone sleeve surgery, “the implant always holds the penis at the same length.” So it may not look smaller when it’s not erect.

Another type of surgery is suspensory ligament release. Doctors do this operation on men whose penises point straight down when they have an erection. The surgeon makes a cut in the ligament at the top of your scrotum to help your erection look normal. But it doesn’t increase your penis’s length or size when it’s erect, says Bajic.

If you’re interested in surgery to treat penis size or your erections, make an appointment with a urologist, says Bajic.

He’s treated some men who had penile enlargement treatments like injections of silicone or fat. “I assure you, they did not have the outcomes they signed up for,” he says. These treatments don’t work and can sometimes be dangerous, he says.

What Works: Weight Loss, Workouts, Manscaping

Not keen to have penis surgery? Some simple nonmedical treatments, including grooming, or “manscaping,” may improve your genitals’ appearance, says O’Leary.

“Some men try shaving or waxing their pubic hair, and that may make your penis just stand out more,” he says.

Weight loss is another approach that improves your pubic presentation. When men put on a lot of weight as they age, they tend to gain fat in the area in front of their genitals. This can hide part of your penis and make it look smaller, he says. Losing weight can help your penis look larger by comparison.

Liposuction can also remove excess fat around your abdomen or pubic area to help your penis stand out more. Like any surgery, lipo can have complications.

Working out can help men look larger too, says O’Leary. Regular exercise can help cut the size of your “beer belly,” so your penis looks better. Getting fit may boost your confidence in bed too.

Pumps, Weights, Stretching: Mixed Results

You may see these treatments pitched on TV, online, or in men’s magazines as ways to lengthen your penis:

Vacuum erection device. Vacuum pumps are used to treat men with erectile dysfunction (ED), a common condition in which you have trouble getting or keeping an erection. The device fits over your penis, and air is pumped out air to create a vacuum.

“You need to use a penis ring with this device. It draws more blood to the penis to help it stay erect, but that won’t make your penis larger,” says O’Leary. Using a vacuum device too often can damage the tissue of your penis and make your erections weaker.

Traction weights. You can tie a weight or traction device, sometimes called a penile extender, to your non-erect penis to try to stretch it. Traction therapy can improve non-erect penis length in some men by up to 2 centimeters (a little more than ¾ of an inch). But it’s only approved for men with the early stages of Peyronie’s disease. These weights could also damage your penis.

Jelqing. This is an exercise where you place your thumb and index finger over your non-erect penis and pull on it repeatedly to increase the size. There’s no evidence that jelqing works.

Pills, supplements, creams, and lotions. Over-the-counter creams, as well as supplements, vitamins, or mineral pills that claim to increase penis size, simply don’t work. They also could contain contaminants like pesticides.

See your doctor before you buy any over-the-counter treatment for penis enlargement, says O’Leary. “All of the ads on TV that promise any treatment will add inches to your penis? None of them work. They’re a total sham,” he says.

If you’re unhappy with your penis size, consider sex therapy before you seek surgery or any other treatment, both urologists advise.

W. Myles Hassler, a certified sex therapist in Atlanta, treats heterosexual and LGBTQ men who worry that their penises aren’t large enough.

“Some men have been socialized to believe that their penis is too small because of stories they heard in high school from their buddies talking about their penis size, or they may see other guys who are larger,” he says.

Hassler first reviews their sexual history to find out if bad experiences from their past, or criticism from a current sex partner, has triggered shame or guilt about their bodies.

“I work with them to help them realize that it’s not about how big your penis is, but your sexual function and quality of intimacy,” he says.

Penis-enlargement products: Do they work?

Ads for penis-enlargement products and procedures are everywhere. A plethora of pumps, pills, weights, exercises and surgeries claim to increase the length and width of your penis.

However, there’s little scientific support for nonsurgical methods to enlarge the penis. And no reputable medical organization endorses penis surgery for purely cosmetic reasons.

Most of the techniques you see advertised are ineffective, and some can damage your penis. Think twice before trying any of them.

Penis-enlargement products

Most advertised penis-enlargement methods are ineffective, and some can cause permanent damage to your penis. Here are some of the most widely promoted products and techniques:

  • Pills and lotions. These usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs or hormones that manufacturers claim enlarge the penis. None of these products has been proved to work, and some may be harmful.
  • Vacuum pumps. Because pumps draw blood into the penis, making it swell, they’re sometimes used to treat erectile dysfunction.A vacuum pump can make a penis look larger temporarily. But using one too often or too long can damage elastic tissue in the penis, leading to less firm erections.
  • Exercises. Sometimes called jelqing, these exercises use a hand-over-hand motion to push blood from the base to the head of the penis.Although this technique appears safer than other methods, there’s no scientific proof it works, and it can lead to scar formation, pain and disfigurement.
  • Stretching. Stretching involves attaching a stretcher or extender device — also referred to as a penile traction device — to the penis to exert gentle tension.A few small studies have reported length increases of half an inch to almost 2 inches (about 1 to 3 centimeters) with these devices.

What is penis stretching?

Penis stretching refers to using your hands or a device to increase the length or girth of your penis.

Although there’s evidence to suggest that stretching can increase your size, the results are usually minimal. In some cases, they may even be temporary.

Read on to learn more about how penis stretching works, how to set realistic expectations, and safe stretching techniques you can try at home.

Penis Extender used for Penis Stretching

How does penis stretching work?

It’s important to remember that much of the evidence around penis stretching is anecdotal.

Stretching exercises

Manual stretching exercises involve using your hand to massage the tissues along the length of your penis. This is intended to stretch the skin and create “micro-tears” in the tissue. The tissues may appear engorged as they heal, making your penis look longer.

Some exercises also claim to increase girth. Girth exercises, such as jelqing, are also centered around tissue massage.

Consistency is key to maintaining either of these purported effects.

Stretching devices

Although researchers have studied penile extension devices, it’s still unclear how well they might work.

Take the penis pump, for example. A penis pump is a cylinder-shaped, air-filled chamber that you attach to your pelvic area. They’re known to produce an immediate erection. Some anecdotes also claim that consistent use can eventually increase your penis length.

Penile traction devices are also popular. The device pulls on your penis to modify its curvature. Traction devices have been used to treat Peyronie’s disease, but more research is needed to determine how effective they really are.

How to stretch penis safely

There’s generally no harm in trying stretching exercises. They may help you feel more comfortable with your penis size and appearance.

The following are based on anecdotal reports. Remember, research on penis stretching techniques is limited. Always talk to a doctor or other healthcare professional before trying a new technique.

Stretching exercises

Before you do any manual stretching:

  • Only do these exercises while you’re flaccid.
  • Stop if the exercise causes pain or discomfort.
  • Sit or stand against a wall or table while you’re doing them.
  • Only do these exercises once or twice a day to avoid injury.
  • Talk to your doctor if you want to hold these exercises longer or do them more frequently.

To manually stretch your penis:

  1. Grip the head of your penis.
  2. Pull your penis upward, stretching it out for about 10 seconds.
  3. Pull your penis to the left for another 10 seconds, then to the right.
  4. Repeat these steps once or twice a day for about 5 minutes.

Or try this:

  1. Grip the head of your penis.
  2. Pull your penis upward.
  3. Press on the area around the base of your penis at the same time.
  4. Hold this position for about 10 seconds.
  5. Repeat these steps with your penis pulled to the left, applying pressure to the base of your penis on the right side.
  6. Repeat these steps with your penis pulled to the right, applying pressure to the base of your penis on the left side.
  7. Repeat this exercise once a day for up to 2 minutes.

To “jelq” your penis:

  1. Put your index finger and thumb in an O shape.
  2. Place the O-shaped gesture at the base of your penis.
  3. Make the O smaller until you put mild pressure on your penis shaft.
  4. Slowly move your finger and thumb toward the head of your penis until you reach the tip. Reduce the pressure if this feels painful.
  5. Repeat this once per day for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Stretching with a device

To use a penis pump:

  1. Place your penis inside the air-filled chamber.
  2. Use the pump mechanism to suck the air out of the chamber. This pulls blood into your penis, causing it to become erect.
  3. Attach the included ring or clamp to your penis to keep it erect for up to 30 minutes. It’s safe to have sex or masturbate during this time.
  4. Remove the ring.

To use a traction device:

  1. Insert your penis into the base end of the device.
  2. Secure the head of your penis within the two notches at the opposite end.
  3. Fasten the silicone tube around the shaft of the penis.
  4. Grip the ends of the silicone tube on the bottom of the device and slowly pull your penis outward. Stop pulling if it starts to feel painful or uncomfortable.
  5. Leave the penis in the stretched position for 4 to 6 hours a day.

Potential risks and complications

Being too rough with your penis can cause large tears in the tissues or damage to the ligaments that connect your penis to your body. These injuries can potentially hinder your ability to get or maintain an erection.

When wearing a traction device, follow your doctor’s instructions for how long to wear it. Wearing it any longer can cause injuries that affect penis function.

After using a pump, don’t let the blood stay in your penis for more than 30 minutes. Having an erection for more than a few hours can permanently damage your penis.

Stretching exercises or devices may cause:

  • itching
  • minor bruising or discoloration
  • red spots along the penile shaft
  • numbness
  • vein rupture

See your doctor if your symptoms last for more than a couple of days or are severe. Your doctor can assess your symptoms and advise you on any next steps.

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience:

  • sudden, painful loss of erection
  • swelling
  • major bruising

When will I see results?

Your results will depend on the approach you take and how consistent you are with use.

Traction devices, for example must be used daily — often for months at a time — in order to achieve any noticeable effects.

Anecdotal reports suggest that using a penis pump can produce much faster results, but there isn’t any research to support this.

It’s also unclear how much time will pass before you see results from manual stretching exercises.


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Eighty men suspected of gang-raping eight women in the South African town of Krugersdorp, west of Johannesburg, appeared in court on Monday to answer questions. The Johannesburg police explained about this: "Last Thursday, while a...
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The 9 Most Important Metaverse Companies

Building the metaverse will require extraordinary cooperation and collaboration between many of the biggest organizations in the world. So, who are the most important metaverse companies right now? With its recent name change, Facebook might...

The British host could not get the Ukrainian refugee and his dogs out!

English newspaper Sun has reported that an asylum seeker from Kharkiv, Ukraine, named "Anfisa Vlasova", refused to leave her host's house in England with her dogs. According to the English newspaper, this refugee could not...
5 ways to shape an inclusive and equitable metaverse

5 ways to shape an inclusive and equitable metaverse

Many organizations are betting big on the metaverse, which allows people to interact with others in a computer-generated, multidimensional and multisensory virtual environment. I expect it to have a multi-trillion-dollar market impact, with billions...
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How did Jack Dorsey leave Twitter to become the spiritual leader of Bitcoin?

Jack Dorsey resigned as Twitter CEO a few months ago, saying he wanted to focus on Blockchain (formerly Square), a company that operates blockchain services. However, he seems to be more interested in bitcoin than anything else...
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مشاور امنیت ملی پاکستان رهسپار کابل میشود

به نقل از بی بی سی فارسی قرارست مشاور امنیت ملی پاکستان رهسپار کابل شود. براساس آنچه در حساب توییتر مجلس ملی پاکستان آمده، تصمیم به سفر معید یوسف به افغانستان طی یک نشست...

Actors who have left school at a young age

Jennifer Lawrence Jennifer Lawrence: Jennifer Lawrence dropped out of school at age 14 and got into acting. Ryan Gosling Ryan Gosling: The actor had a lot of problems at school and his mother had to teach him...