The United States Navy shot down a drone for the first time, using high-energy laser waves.
One of the reasons for the test, which was conducted by the United States Navy in February 2022, is to demonstrate the ability of laser weapons to track and target large targets such as UAVs, as well as its ability to target other types of targets. Threats such as fixed-wing robotic aircraft, quadcopters and ultrasonic cruise missiles were mentioned.
“Using a high-resolution telescope, the system will be able to track the target and determine the amount of damage that the laser will do to the target,” the US Navy said of the benefits of using laser weapons. “It is also very useful for disabling or dulling sensors and stunning hostile forces without permanently blinding them.”
The new LLD laser systems are solid and do not require chemicals and are made of coils of glass fiber optics.
In addition, they do not require explosives for fire and are safer to keep on board.
Theoretically, as long as this force is available, its ammunition will remain unlimited and one dollar will be saved on the cost of each shot.
The US Navy has no plans to use the LLD as a standard weapons system. But their latest test shows the technology ‘s growing capabilities, including the use of artificial intelligence to track and target threats.