American researchers conducted research on human form in 3000 AD and published imaginary images of “future man”.
They collaborated with a 3D designer to create images of the “future human” that show the problems with the technology in everyday use. The researchers named this 3D model “Mindy”.
The design of the future human was based on the “continuous misuse” of smartphones, laptops and other forms of technology and shows the possible negative effects of technology on the human body.
According to this research, the future human will have a hunched back, wide neck, stiff hands, thick skull, small brain and second eyelid on the eyes due to smartphone addiction.

According to the Daily Mail, Dr. Nikola Djorjevic, one of the researchers of this study, said: “A few years ago, the use of the mobile Internet surpassed the computer and now we have the Internet in our hands all the time. In this case, the way we hold our phones can cause pressure on certain points in the hand, causing the “text claw” known as cubital tunnel syndrome.

Researchers predict that Mindy will be stooped and have a wide neck in the future. This is due to excessive use of devices equipped with modern technology, which affects the way people sit and stand.
When you’re working at a computer or looking at your smartphone, the muscles in the back of your neck must contract to support your head, says Dr. Daniel Reeve, a spine specialist at New York-Presbyterian Orthopedic Spine Hospital. The more you look down, the harder your muscles work to hold your head up.

In addition, future humans may have a second eyelid to protect the eyes from strain and overexposure to screens and blue light.
“Humans may have a larger inner eyelid to prevent exposure to too much light, or the lens of the eye may have evolved to block incoming blue light, but to with a high wavelength such as green, yellow or red to pass through.