With Far Cry 6, Ubisoft has delivered a product that you just have to see what you think about other parts of Far Cry over the last few years to decide whether or not to buy it.
Far Cry 6 has very large maps and numerous environments. The number of stages in the game is really large and it takes a long time to complete them. In fact, if the quantity, ie the dimensions of the project or the volume of video game content were to be the main determinant of its value, Far Cry 6 would definitely be one of the top AAAs of the year. But when we look at the principles in the design of stages and things like the significant ups and downs of the quality of the player experience of the game during different hours, we can no longer close our eyes to the repetitions.
Of course, Far Cry 6 looks great in some areas as well; From creating different environments with great technical graphics to creating special stages that may come every few hours, but in themselves provide a remarkable experience to the gamer. So for an audience that loves Far Cry 4 and beyond and finds it ideal, Ubisoft’s new product can be fun. But other people have to be careful before going to the game.
of Ubisoft during this period. Because the whole identity of Ubisoft’s many open-world games has been designed over the last few years with a focus on a system that forces the audience to raise the level of weapons and character.
Of course, the principle of this stage design model has been seen many times in great video games. But when the elements enter the gameplay superficially, the gamer often feels that the system is imposed on him; To have to go through repetitive steps and raise the level for the purpose of a logical experience of the main steps.

Ironically, the difficulty levels of Far Cry 6 are either intentionally or unintentionally highlighting the problem. By choosing between Action Mode and Story Mode, you practically decide whether you want a casual or easy experience. By selecting Story Mode, the gamer can see some of the obstacles removed in front of him. Because Danny Rohas (the main character of Far Cry 6 who can be a male or female player) seems so resilient in this case that the player can go to the main stages without constantly raising his level in a timely manner and have a significant chance to finish. To deliver them. While Action Mode practically sometimes pays little attention to the gamer’s ability and only based on his low level does not give the player any chance.In Far Cry 6, Map Editor is not one of the best parts of Far Cry 5
So it seems that if by choosing Story Mode you practically circumvent the logic of the game’s combat system, in some ways you have a better chance of not getting bored of Far Cry 6. Because you no longer have to deal with checkpoints, attacking crowded bases, and other repetitive tasks, such as extracting information from computers or destroying an anti-aircraft gun. When a gamer plays a sub-stage under the pressure of “trying to raise the level in order to experience the main story stages”, he will naturally take a more strict look at its design. It remains to be seen how much this kind of thinking created for the player reduces his immersion in the game world and constantly “being a video game” plunges the product into my eyes and yours.
Is Ubisoft’s new product devoid of lovely steps and challenges? Definitely not. Whether you’re wandering in the big world and want to make friends with Chorizo (a funny little dog) to prepare his favorite food, or when in a side stage you suddenly fight in the dark with several dangerous war roosters , Far Cry 6 shows its charms. The new game has interesting mini-games, a base management system and even a few crowded and spectacular action steps.The variety of weapons in Far Cry 6 is great, and thanks to the many possibilities for personalizing each weapon, the gamer can go as he wants to destroy the enemies.
But unfortunately, each time the price of reaching each of them is an experience of steps that were not really creative in their design. Believe me, if Ubisoft had turned many of the repetitive tasks imposed on the audience into fully optional activities that could serve a variety of purposes, such as acquiring specific weapons, the result would have been much better than it is today. Today’s audience often hears about monetary valuation of games based on the duration of the experience presented in them. But Far Cry 6 reminds us again that the number of hours we spend playing the game is not as important as the overall quality of the experience.
Far Cry 6 does not have a skill tree where the player can really implement their progress. As a result, the leveling system wants to determine the player’s capabilities practically every time he simply sticks a number to you and each Danny Rohas weapon. It seems that Ubisoft still only allows some more or less random changes to make the product less repetitive; Whether it’s changing the costume of the first era with Far Cry Primal on Far Cry 4, or the Damage show to any enemy with each shot in Far Cry New Dawn.

While Far Cry 6 is not as exciting as steadily attacking two large ships or protecting a vulnerable device ready to explode, the gameplay remains constantly exciting. Ubisoft has been successful in providing a variety of weapons and providing many possibilities for their personalization. The gamer can constantly seek to acquire better weapons and turn them into combat weapons by gathering the necessary resources. In this way, step by step, the gunpowder is formed more according to his taste, and even when the steps are repetitive, different ways are found to destroy the enemies.
How much do you care about secrecy? Are you looking for loud explosions? How much time do you spend on having a great bow to shoot at enemies? The weapon collection and personalization system in Far Cry 6 pays attention to the player’s answers to these questions. As a result, the development team has created a large playground for the use of a variety of weapons.
It must not be forgotten that the animals that accompany you and the people you release also have a special effect on the struggle; Whether it’s when a crocodile is gnawing at enemies with its teeth, or when it takes refuge behind a cover because of enemy fire and the arrival of a few local fighters, things change a little. Meanwhile, Danny’s weird backpacks themselves, which give gamers special powers such as firing rockets or disabling all electronic systems, have their own positive role in increasing the variety of battles.

The world of Far Cry 6 is vast and beautiful. Of course, in this Ubisoft product, you often see NPCs with the same face and body. But on the 9th generation console, thanks to the reduction of glitches and the improvement of the game’s technical graphics compared to the previous Far Cry, we see really good images; When we see a flock of birds flying in the sky or when we swim to get around the island. The quality of the textures and lighting, especially when you download the HD Texture Pack, looks very good and makes browsing in the environment attractive.
From the small island where the game begins to the three large areas where you seek to destroy Ant افراد n Castillo’s main antagonist and find new allies, they are full of spectacular scenery. In the middle of the album, the soundtrack and the characters’ pleasant use of the local language also affect Yara’s atmosphere through environmental imagery.

Far Cry 6’s success in creating space naturally gives the writing team a good opportunity to tell a story. But how much Ubisoft was able to use this platform for compelling storytelling is still tied to the same core experience. In fact, although most of the voice actors, and especially Giancarlo Esposito , have done a great job, and the weakness of the cataclysms in depicting some of the facial expressions seems forgivable, the excessive rupture of the narrative prevents it from becoming a brilliant storyteller. Takes a memorable.The acclaimed Breaking Bad actor Esposito is here as well as a vicious dictator who completely believes in his fanatical beliefs and confronts the gamer.
Far Cry 3, which Ubisoft has yet to replicate its artistic success in any of the main episodes of the series, kept the audience engaged moment by moment with the story, the positive characters and the crazy negative characters. But in a product that emphasizes so much on being tall and big, the story is told in fragments. Two hours after you have seen a total of two cat-centered cats, watching him suddenly die in another cat is not going to have a significant emotional impact on you; No matter how well the three sequences in question are directed and performed well.

There is no denying that very sensitive and complex stories, such as the story of the struggling people for the revolution, in these works of Ubisoft are merely an excuse for the player to use different weapons and vehicles. As a result, unfortunately, you can not expect much from it. Anyone interested in Far Cry 6 gameplay, sound, and graphics will probably never be disappointed with the story. Because there is no denying that this story can sometimes be engaging and interesting. But here we are not dealing with an extraordinary and less seen narrative, just because of which you want to go to the 10 hours of Ubisoft new game experience.
From the various bugs to some of the stupid behaviors of your enemies and even your entourage, it well shows that Far Cry 6 is a product familiar with the new coloring. Experience attractive online co-ops of all kinds of stages, minimal and appropriate use of dual-sense capabilities, success in drawing a wide world and having some special stages are all among the things that can turn the product into a good or even very good work according to the player’s taste. But Far Cry 6 was not great. Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly.
Far Cry 6 review was written based on its experience on the PS5 console and the game code was provided to Zomji by the publisher